Designing Solutions, Elevating Experiences, Transforming Futures.
Embarking on my career journey in 2017, I joined the
Greek robotics team, immersing myself in STEM concepts and subsequently delving into an in-depth exploration
of programming. The subsequent year, in 2018, was marked by my foray into social media bot development, web
design, and the expansive realm of data science, where I eagerly embraced various fields of expertise.
Transitioning into 2019, I ventured into Python desktop app development, exploring a myriad of libraries.
The year 2020 became an intensive period of honing my skills in web development and backend architecture,
laying the foundation for the subsequent year's focus on backend architecture and DevOps in 2021. The
pivotal year of 2022 witnessed my transition to a cybersecurity company, where I commenced as a Linux
Engineer, eventually advancing to the role of a Pre-Sales Engineer, furthering my expertise in this dynamic
When I am not at the computer, I am usually practicing
judo (European champion, btw), partying or travelling.
Sphera Express is Sphera Group's parcel transportation subsidiary that operates in Europe, Russia and Western Asia. I was responsible for the development of their multilingual and multifunctional website and social media automation systems. Their website offers custom parcel tracking, pricing calculations, aviation tickets sales and more.
Sphera Logistics is Sphera Group's internal operations AIO-tool. From customer relationship management & enterprise resource plarning to parcel tracking. Everything is done via their firmly-designed app that was designed under my personal supervison.
Karipidis Cars is an automotive logistics, importing and dealership company serving in the Balkans. Their digital storefront was solely developed by me, in accordance to all industry standards.
Foodligans is an established food logistics company serving the Greek gastronomy industry. Their B2B QR-linked menu along with a personalized dashboard for the management of the product stock was solely developed by me.
Dionysos is a worldwide operating e-commerce company. My personal role was leading the development of their e-shop and bridging their stock management system with the suppliers to automate the logistics process.
Alazani is a traditional Georgian cuisine restaurant chain located in Greece. I was responsible for the development of their digital presence, from social media and their website to internal operations.
A JavaScript open-source bundler that makes modern ES code run inside a browser. Available for every possible use on GitHub for everyone.